Media Policy


Effective communication with the media is critical to Texas Southern University’s ability to carry out its mission and encourage continued public support. Successful media relations best serve the university by informing the public of TSU programming, expertise, achievements, activities and events of significance, as well as expanding the general visibility of the university.

Texas Southern University is an open campus and the media are welcome. However, all media must get permission from the Office of Marketing & Communications in advance of a press visit. We ask reporters, photographers, and other members of the media, not to enter academic buildings or student residence halls without permission from a member of the University’s communications staff.    

Media passes are required before access can be granted and are available to media in Hannah Hall, Suite 205. Once the media have been granted access, they are welcome to be in general purpose and public buildings and on campus with an escort. The Office of Marketing & Communications is located in Hannah Hall, Suite 205. 

The Office of Marketing & Communications distributes news releases and media alerts on a regular basis. If you would like to be added to our distribution list to receive news releases please e-mail a letter with the name of the news outlet, contact person, telephone number, e-mail address, and fax number to / ATTN:  Add to Media Distribution List or by calling 713-313-7371.