Welcome to our TOPAZ page. This page contains information about our secure online protocol system.



TOPAZ is the secure online system by which research protocols are created, submitted, reviewed, and approved.

Who has access to TOPAZ? How can I obtain access?

Access to the TOPAZ online system is granted to current TSU students, faculty, and staff. For those who have never had a TOPAZ account before, you may request an account by clicking on the Account Request link. If you had a TOPAZ account, but do not remember your login credentials, you may send a request to have your password reset by clicking on the Password Reset Request link.

Training & Information

If you need to familiarize yourself with navigating the TOPAZ system, optional training videos are available on the Division of Research & Innovation's (DRI's) secure site. You will need your TSU credentials to log into the site. You may click on the TOPAZ Videos link.

Preparation information is available to the following audiences:

The (TSU) Protocol Process - From Creating the Protocol to Approval

  1. Obtain your TOPAZ login credentials; log into the TOPAZ system.
  2. Create your protocol. (For student investigators, protocols must be pre-submitted to a faculty reviewer prior to submission to the IRB. The faculty reviewer must approve the protocol first.)
  3. The protocol is assigned to the appropriate compliance review committee (IRB, IACUC). Many of the IRB protocols are assigned to select reviewers, not the full committee.
  4. Reviewers may make comments to the protocol items.
  5. If the investigator needs to make modifications to the protocol, the protocol, along with the summarized comments, are returned to the investigator.
  6. The investigator may modify the protocol, then re-submit it.
  7. Once the reviewers approve the protocol, the Approval status is set in the TOPAZ system.
  8. The investigator will be notified of the protocol approval.

The entire process is electronic, and occurs via TSU e-mail to the investigator.

Do you have a question about TOPAZ or the protocol review and approval process?
Contact Dr. Frank Caspa at njekeh.caspa@280760.com.